The following prices apply to the academic year 2025 - 26
Please contact us for information about the times and days of classes for the new academic year.
Group lessons
All group lessons (75 min): CHF 45.
Phonics Classes (60 min): CHF 40.
The charges for all classes include photocopying, writing books, workbooks, reading books, and many other resources.
One-to-one Session
Session (30 min): CHF 60.--
All younger children enrolled in group lessons attend two individual 30-minute one-to-one assessment sessions each academic year. Following each session, you will receive an assessment report about your child's literacy skills; their strengths, and any areas for improvement.
Securing a place in a group lesson
One-off family registration fee (non-refundable): CHF 100.--
Deposit (refundable): CHF 300.--
The registration fee is per family as a one-off payment. This payment includes the Links to Literacy bookbag and any catch-up work that may be required. If it is unclear which class best meets a student's needs, then a free assessment will be provided.
Private/Semi-Private Lessons
Please enquire: the cost varies depending on the location, the number of students and the length of the lesson.
Children's Book Club
Session (90 min): CHF 50.-- payable a semester in advance. Deposit and registration fees are not required. The same terms and conditions apply to Book Club as the regular lessons, including the notice period.
TERM DATES 2024-25
Semester Two
27.01.2025 - 04.07.2025
Holiday Calendar
Sports Holiday 17.02.25 - 07.03.25 3 weeks
Spring Break Becky's 28.04.25 - 09.05.25 2 weeks
Annelise's 22.04.25 - 09.05.25 3 weeks
One-to-One Dates: Semester Two
Becky's - 29th Match and 5th April, 2025
Annelise's - 12th April, 2025
Bank Holidays
19.03.25 St Josef's Day (only lessons at Erlenmoos do not run on this day)
18.04.25. 21.04.25 Easter
29.05.25 30.05.24 Ascension and Bridge Day
09.06.25 Whit Monday
19.06.25 20.06.25 Corpus Christi and Bridge Day
TERM DATES 2025-26
Semester One
18.08.2025 - 23.01.2026
Semester Two
26.01.2026 - 04.07.2026
Holiday Calendar
Autumn break 29.09.2025 - 17.10.2015 3 weeks
Winter Break 22.12.2025 - 02.01.2026 2 weeks
Sports Holiday 16.02.2026 - 06.03.2026 3 weeks
Spring Break 24.04.2026 - 15.05.2026 3 weeks
Bank Holidays
03.05.2026. - 06.04.26 Easter
14.05.2026 - 15.05.26 Ascension and Bridge Day
25.05.2026 Whit Monday
04.06.2026 - 05.06.26 Corpus Christi and Bridge Day
Fees are payable in full by the first week of class for each semester. Paying fees in installments is possible.
Where appropriate, online lessons can take place. If the teacher has to cancel a lesson and an online lesson or a supply teacher cannot be found, a refund/credit will be offered. Unfortunately, classes missed by the student for any reason cannot be reimbursed.
For missed lessons, the work can be collected or given to another pupil.
Links to Literacy GmbH reserves the right to reassign teachers during a semester or to employ a supply teacher if needed.
For late payments, we reserve the right to charge for (multiple) reminders and interest/fees on late payments.
Social media: Children's faces do not appear on our social media pages unless we have specifically asked permission. Backs of heads or first names on written work may appear
Notice for the withdrawal of a child from group lessons, including book club, is three full months before the end of a semester. Otherwise, the semester fees will be due in full.
Parents are required to have health, accident, and liability insurance for their children.